The Role of the Club Welfare Officer
To distribute or otherwise communicate to all members, any relevant codes of practice, policies or updates relating to welfare issues.
To advise where appropriate, on the development of activities / events for young people within the Club.
To be a point of contact for parents / responsible adults of any young person who becomes a member*
To receive, record and if required, pass onto British Cycling Child Protection Officer, or the Cycling Time Trials Governing Body any concerns relating to the welfare of young people or vulnerable adults.
To undertake an annual review of risk assessments relating to young people / vulnerable adults and raise any issues with the Committee.
Attend committee meetings and ensure the Chairman & Secretary are fully up to date with any changes in legislation, regulation and best practice with regards to Club welfare and safeguarding.
To, where practicable, liaise with other Cycling Clubs and share best practice with regards to Club Welfare / Safeguarding / Risk Assessment.
The role of the Club Welfare Officer is an advisory role and is not intended to replace, even on a temporary basis, the roles and responsibilities of parents, guardians, responsible adults or carers. The final decision as to whether an activity or event which involves young people / vulnerable adults receives approval remains at all times with the Committee of the Club.
To contact Lisa Greenwood Rossendale Road Club’s Welfare Officer please email
Further information on Child Protection and Safeguarding can be found at British Cycling